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My true human identity has NOT been revealed YET. 
For anything you see on the internet about who Talker is, I sincerely hop
e you don't think its true.
I hope you have a great day! 


About The Talker

     “You talk too much” is a comment I have received a lot growing up in this brutal world. Even when I was so small that I couldn’t even spell or read properly, bullies found a way to make me feel like my presence and voice were major problems. Well since no matter how much I suppress myself it's never enough for them, I’ve decided to put my talking, or “yapping” as some bullies say, to good use.

        Talker is a place where I, The Talker, use writing to help readers like you ease their lives a little bit. Whether that's through writing stories or reviews, I am here as your friend and your assistant. The Talker currently consists of 2 websites: Talker Fiction and Talker Prosetry (This website), which are both spaces to share writing.

         For Talker Prosetry, I write poems and prose influenced by thoughts and feelings many people get through navigating life, my own experiences included. I also include pieces that are just meant for fun, poetic purposes as talking about life can be hard even for me! But the point of those really is to have fun and celebrate writing and poetry as is. Some of my poems and prose may be displayed in song format as well, that just means those poems could also be interpreted as or transformed into a song (perhaps in the future) as songwriting and poetry go hand in hand.

       The format is that the writing is posted in a blog format with new pieces showing up on the stories page every day to make sure you have something to read each day, no waiting long periods of time for content! Just like new challenges show up each day in life, each written piece will encapsulate a new and different challenge as well as thoughts and experiences surrounding or even aloof from those challenges. The pieces creatively emulate thoughts and feelings one gets, with both positive and negative swings just like real life has.

       My goal of writing these creative pieces is to make Talker Prosetry a space where readers can immerse themselves in a reflection of real thoughts and feelings, they may experience but through creative words and ideas. A different way of expressing emotions, a way where you can think, reflect, and imagine while processing whatever life throws at you. All you have to do is relax and read while you learn!


It's the smaller issues that pile up and ruin your mental state, so my mission with Talker is to directly address those and make this a safe space to find a way to inspire you, bring out your best self, and prevent the smaller issues and challenges from holding you back!





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